30 Best Romantic Pencil Drawings for boyfriend and Girlfriend

pencil drawings for boyfriend

and add these darker shades in these shadow portions and in between some of these indentation lines as well and then you can use a mono zero eraser to erase the shares drawings for boyfriend from some of these areas especially in between the darker shades this will give you a 3d look on the fur you can also erase the extra shades

1. romantic drawings for boyfriend

2. i love you drawings for boyfriend easy
drawings for boyfriend
outside the outlines and add these faded lines as fur texture along the outline  and also repeat the same shading process for this right side of the air it's a little bit lighter than the left side but the overall process is same [Music] now i'm going to use the indenting stylus again and add these indentation lines

3. cute drawings for boyfriend

4. romantic drawings for boyfriend easy

5. birthday drawings for boyfriend
in this upper portion of the head and also keep an eye on these bigger and thicker individual hair drawing a fur texture like this with indentation technique is pretty simple if you have full control on your hand movements and pressure techniques but most of the people don't and the only

6. i love you drawings for boyfriend

7. happy birthday drawings for boyfriend
reason behind this is that they don't focus on practicing this technique so many of you shared your results with me on my instagram and i've noticed two common mistakes which make the indentation look like a mess rather than looking like realistic hair fur etc first one is that you guys always add these

lines in random back and forth stroke manner in which all the lines are connected to each other on the ends forming a circular pattern on the ends of those indentation lines which doesn't make the hair or fur texture look realistic at all and secondly even if the indentation lines are separated at the ends their ends

Can we use charcoal pencils on ivory sheets?

8. cute easy drawings for boyfriend

9. love drawings for boyfriend
are not completely faded like they should be the proper way is to add each single line individually and make sure that each single line is faded both in the start and color pencil drawings for boyfriend in the end i followed the exact same method for the remaining for around the eye as i did in the left portion the only  difference here is this

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11. cute birthday drawings for boyfriend
darker shade around the nose portion which i added using the same charcoal drawings for boyfriend 2b pencil you just need to increase the pressure a little bit and that's it or you can also use a 4b pencil here if you want and again add the highlights in between using a chisel tip mono zero razor now for this north portion i'm going to use 9b

12. hand holding Drawings for boyfriend and girlfriend

13. pencil drawings for girlfriend
 will make the nose look more realistic and textured [Music] okay now moving on to the right eye and first of all i'm gonna darken the outline with a 9b pencil and then use a 4b to fill the inside of the iris just like this leaving this rectangular highlight and rs string in the middle and then you can use a mono

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shade from the highlights and for this nose texture pencil drawings for boyfriend i'm going to use this cherry roll pen and add these white dots around the highlight and use a darker grey pencil to add these black dots in between the larger ones and also add some light white dots in this upper darker portion of the nose just like this this

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16 . i miss you drawings for girlfriend

17. drawings for girlfriend in pencil
the whole area with a darker shade only leaving these thin areas around the outlines of the nostrils now blend this darker layer and you can also lightly shade the highlight with the brush again add the final darker layer in the corner portions and outlines if needed and then use a mono zero razor to erase the

18. valentines day drawings for girlfriend
or 8th pencil and darken the outlines first [Music] then i'm going to fill the nostrils with the same darker shade and surrounding portion with a 4p shade as a base layer and make sure you leave this highlight area as it is now after blending this base layer use the darker gray pencil like 9b or 8b and fill

19. love drawings for girlfriend
black and white drawings for girlfriend and boyfriend

 zero eraser to erase the extra shear from this iris ring and make it look more realistic and shiny now the remaining portion around the eye is pretty much same all the way through you just have to fill the area with directional lines or helping lines first

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