top 40 Best Northern lights colored pencil drawings

40 best northern lights drawing wth colored pencils

northern lights drawings i'm looking for i'm sure you're noticing that my tool is actually marking up the wall but don't worry the end goal here is to paint the walls this will get all covered up all right now that i've kind of knocked it down a bit i'm going to switch methods and turn to sandpaper i have an 80 grit sandpaper here it's

northern lights drawing colored pencil

tumblr digital northern lights drawing

lighthouse in the northern lights drawing

black and white northern lights drawing

want to make sure that the bevel is facing in towards the wall if it was facing out when i go to chip it it might actually do more damage than looking for  gonna go along the imperfection in the same direction if i were to go up and down i might chip off too much drywall and just make a much bigger gap than

northern lights drawings on ipad

animals in the northern lights drawing

pretty coarse i want to be a bit aggressive with this and i'm gonna again go in the same direction as the imperfection we're trying to get this as flush as we possibly can with the wall all right now that this is sanded down we need to repair the holes in the indents and we can't use the same quick dry spackle

animals in the northern lights drawing with colored pencil

actually need to use joint compound and that is better for larger holes and imperfections right correct okay so talk me through what we're going to do here we're going to feather it out we're going to use a larger blade and we're going to use joint compound we're just going to scrape it across left to right same

easy northern lights drawing with colored pencil

pictures of the northern lights drawings

same way as the where the gouge was we need to allow this full dry time and i'm actually even going to stick a box fan on this wall so that maybe it can cut down the dry time a little bit when you start really looking at your walls you're going to find all kinds of imperfections and another really common

 alaska northern lights drawing for kids

one are old paint drips so this is from a previous paint job and as you can see it's just dripping here down onto my trim if we paint over that you're just gonna see it again even more so all we need to do is i have my 220 finished sandpaper on here and i'm just gonna knock down that old paint so that way it's

night sky with northern lights drawing

nice and smooth and you'll really never even know it was there while our joint compound is drying we're going to deal with any areas in the room that need to be re-caulked and what you'll see usually is that caulking needs to be touched up around like where the baseboard and the wall meets or around

window trim caulk is the best solution for this so i need to open up my tube of caulk so i'm going to take the tip and i'm going to put it right into the spout cutter when i'm putting it in i'm going in at about

a 45 degree angle then to cut it you just squeeze the handle for this we're using fast dry paintable caulk so the bead is on and a lot of times people will just run their finger along it but that's actually not a great idea because your finger is round and you

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