top 30 best colored pencil drawing on canvas

30 Best colored pencil drawing on canvas

some best colored pencil drawing on canvas ideas

the second painting I first applied water to the paper and then added the same colors on top of each other and since I wanted painting I also applied a thin layer of water all over the paper and then makes

a very dark blue using different colors I use blue green and red and colored pencil drawing on canvas just played around with different ratios until I was happy with the color and then I repeat the steps I applied the pain to the top part of the


wolf colored pencil drawing on canvas

painting and then I distributed moving downwards to create that weird wash once everything is dry we can go ahead and add details below the sky in the first painting I use yellow or courage you could eat a field and use a little bit of burnt sienna to add some more details [Music] [Music] in the second

bird colored pencil drawing on canvas

painting I wanted to add mountains in a it with a little bit of water and then I applied a very light layer of paint in the lower half of the painting to create a silhouette of the first Mountain now to create more depth I use the same dark blue mixture as I use in the third painting and then i debit onto the wet paint

village colored pencil drawing on canvas

while leaving out some areas so the light areas will be the highlights and the dark purple areas will be the shadows and then I used a little bit of the same color and lightly brush it over the lower part of the painting to create the lake with a few lighter areas for the light reflections since the colors were still not

girl face colored pencil drawing on canvas

vibrant enough for details so our paintings can slowly come together in the first painting i painted a small hill above the field so it looks like a mountain in the distance and then I mixed a warm green color and added right along the horizon to create trees and a few additional trees too a few areas in the

horse colored pencil drawing on canvas

field by just dabbing on the paint here and there you can also create more depth in the field by painting the lines of the tractor and some additional shadows here there now in the second painting I created another mountain in front of the first one here I mixed a darker version of the red purple color and

beautiful girl face colored pencil drawing on canvas

applied it on top leaving out the first mountains and to add some shadows I depth on a little bit of a darker purple color to the law of hard to keep the top area of the mountain lighter to keep the highlights and since the mountain in the background is a lighter it looks like it's a lot further away

colorfull bird colored pencil drawing on canvas

compared to the dark mountain in the front and to make the water dark girl I also applied a null layer of paint on top while keeping a few lighter areas for the highlights in the third painting I also added a mountain on to the 

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