40 Best Charcoal Hair Drawings of Male

Best Men Charcoal Hair Drawing inspiration

Hello friends today ill show you best Male Charcoal Hair Drawing you're interested in the real-time tutorial of that one you can go back to the previous video or I'll put a little link in the top right of the video also with the halter it's very important to work in layers again and to simplify it a little bit so you really need to think about it drawing is also a lot of thinking thinking of

what is charcoal painting: strategies and getting to the end result as smart as possible you then moving on to the neck so what a first did is outline the edges of the main so I've basically drawn around the hairs of the mane then after that I moved on with the fur on the neck the first going a bit downwards and the more you get towards


How to draw portraits in charcoal pencil:
the bottom off the neck the more the fur is going like downwards and curving around the neck first quite dark here so I started off I still started off with quite a light layer and then later on I went on with adding the darker shadows as well really focused on the contrast here the contrast is going to create that

shine effect on the neck then I moved on with the mane so especially on these Mane here it's very important to focus on clumps of hair draw the clumps fear the shadows the highlights and not really draw every hair because that's going to look very ugly I'm explaining all this in the tutorials so

lionel messi Hair Drawing with charcoal

Best charcoal pencil for hair drawing: contrast on it to make it look like metal and that was quite difficult and for super small details like that on the chain it's very handy to use a mechanical pencil it will be so much easier than compared to using a normal graphite pencil so after adding the chain of the right horses halter I added some more final

details on both horses I went in with a black polychromos darken up some of the contrast I just really like how that looks with graphite you sometimes get a bit of a shine on the drawing which I don't really like so that's why I like to go in with a black polychromos instead to darken up the darkest shadows but

tom cruise hair drawing with charcoal pencil

charcoal powder drawing techniques for beginners:
step1: if you're interested please sign up and yeah that's how I drew in the mane I tried to keep it very simple you then after the main I moved on with the final details on the halter of both horses also the chains and the ropes I drew in the rope on the left horses halter just by drawing in the base layer first and then

step2: creating that little texture on the rope and after that I darkened up the textures in the shadows and basically that was already enough then the male hair drawing chain on the right horses halter was a bit more difficult so you really have to draw in all those iron or metal bits of the chain and then creating the right amount of

This is a best male hair drawing reference

realistic male hair drawing

easy male hair drawing reference

get rid of that shine as well but I didn't I didn't overdo it with the black polychromos I just used it on the left horses halter a bit and on the mane of the right horse inside the nostrils just on the most important areas the very darkest areas and after that the drawing was finished so it did take quite a long

stylish and simple male hair drawing

time to complete although it was quite a small drawing 15 hours but I really enjoyed it and I hope you did as well let me know what you think of it in the comments below also if you recreated this drawing you can all me oh you can always take me on Instagram English is very hard or on the Facebook and I

hope to see you on patreon your support really helps me expand and improve so thank you so much for watching let me know what you think of the drawing below

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